Christopher Chagnon
Please, feel free to move on to my resume page. This page is more of my professional self. Being a business major, I have much Business experience to share!
My Life Continued

I was born on March 28th, 1991. I was brought up in Bow, New Hampshire where i have lived my entire life. I truely found myself when I had entered high school- through this experience I joined the cross country running team. This was a big part of my life until I decided to leave this behind me, seeing as I had a coach that was just not cutting it for me. Throughout my high school career, I was interested in psychology, which which has brought with me into my college career.
I started off my career at Colby-Sawyer College as a psychology major, seeing as it was my prime interest in high school. I took many psychology classes in my first year, and began to realize this was not the path that I wanted to pursue. Once my sophomore year came, I changed my major to business administration, and have loved it ever since. Through my college career I obtained a job as a meter reader for Public Service of New Hamphire. This company has treated me greatly, and has given me many references and experience that I needed to continue my college career. Later on in college, I had gained many friends that are going very far in life. These experiences led me to pick up skills that I have always wanted to pick up, including playing the guitar and being much more social that I ever thought that i could be. Currently, I work at the Greater Manchester of Commerce as a marketing intern.